In the Data Security Notifications I would love if the lower box where you enter "Additional Email addresses" the drop down box with built in variables had the %Destination% like the dropdown right above it for the Subject field. We block certain attachment types(ie .zip. .exe. .rar etc) and in version 7.2 an email was sent to the recipient stating they have a message and to request it be released. In 7.8 this function does not exist. Being able to add this variable would solve all my frustrations with the upgrade. FYI- today I received over a hundred emails with attachments that contain a Trojan that the built in VS in websense did not detect. My rule blocked them. if I decided to allow attachments because I could no longer notify the recipients (I now have to have someone monitor the queue all day) I would be infected right now! In todays world of viruses/Trojans/malware the removal of the notification to users of attachments that have been blocked does not show a strong dedication to security , considering an older previous version allowed this feature. Please re-implement this.