Hello Everyone,
I'm having the following error in wbsn 6.3 (I know, a little bit old u_u ) when trying to access Enterprise Explorer.
This is the whole history,
I was making some reports on Enterprise Explorer when suddenly appear the first error "Couldn´t connect to database" I check a lot of forums here in websense and found that the problem was the user from IIS that connects to the sql database when I try to connect to Enterprise Explorer..... I only change the password and worked....
After that, i tried again to access Enterprise Explorer but a new error appeared:
This version of Explorer supports only 6.1 or later versions of the Websense database....
I tried to access the Database manager an get the following one:
CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.
I tried the article: 000002149 and the 000003399 but the error doesnt fix... I'm stuck, ... anyone had these error i the past?
Thanks in advance!