This is my first attempt in filtering HTTPS sites with 7.8.4. My last attempt with 7.1.1 blocked ALL traffic (http and https) so the project was back burnered. We have since upgraded to a newer firewall and a new version of WebSense Filter. Instead of upgrading and Migrating from 7.1.1 I simply copied/recreated all my settings into 7.8.4. One notable difference is I had to run AD Native mode vs Mixed mode as for some unexplained reason it authenticated all users as Guests.
Here is my setup: WebSense Web Filter 7.8.4 on a 2008 Std R2 SP1 VMWare VM, (1 NIC). My installation is integrated with Cisco ASA 5505 (Soft Ver 8.2 Dev Mgr Ver 6.3).
PROBLEM: My HTTP traffic is being filtered as expected but when I try to add/enable an HTTPS filter rule in the ASA all HTTPS traffic is blocked. I've added an HTTPS site into one of my Limited Access Filter lists that apply to my test user and the related protocol filter is set to allow all HTTPS traffic.
I have tried entering the site into the Limited Access Filter in the following variations:,, and https://123.456.789.123:443
I must be missing something? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have also considered the better route to go would be with a WebSense Content Gateway as I would gain the HTTPS block page...any thoughts experiences with a Content Gateway or alternate solution would be helpful