Currently, we have the need to set different thresholds on different channels. As an example, I want to alert on all instances of emailing out CCNs but I don't want an alert every time someone pays a personal bill with their own credit card over the internet.
Right now, we have to create multiple policies called CCN_Email Only and CCN_Non Email and the edit the rules accordingly. This is causing us to duplicate many policies. It will get worse once we starting further breaking it apart to send user notifications only on a specific channel violation instead of sending on all, which would result in multiple notifications. We don't want to be left with 100 policies for on 25 specific types of policies.
We would like the ability to create a policy and then add multiple instances of the same rule that can then be edited. Alternatively, being able to drag and drop rules between policies to reorganize without have to fully create our own custom policies would be a plus.