We just upgraded our websense infrasturcture to the new version 7.7.
Post upgrade we cannot get the websense Log Server Service to start.
I mean it starts and it stops immediately.
Note: We had configured the Log Server service to connect via a Trusted User Authentication earlier.
We tried the websense article:
The stored procedure which the article talks about - usp_user_permission_verify_logserver was sucessfully created. However, we got a message that the object could still not be made effective or something due to some issue.
After debugging the Log server service using
Checked the debug log :
WsLogRecordset::Open() - FAILURE: sqlCommand: {call usp_user_permission_verify_logserver} ERROR: The Procedure usp_user_permission_verify is not found.
We Uninstalled the log server component and reinstalled. Still same issue. After troubleshooting with Websense Support for a long time and got no where.
Now, If you could notice, you will find no document about this Stored proceedure anywhere.
I checked for the usp_user_permission_verify_logserver stored procedure which just resides above the usp_user_permission_verify_logserver stored procedure in the sql server. (Refer to the picture in the Websense article we tried earlier)
Found the particular usp_user_permission_verify_logserver be missing completely.
The usp_user_permission_verify_logserver is actually dependent on the usp_user_permission_verify_logserver stored procedure. So without it the logserver verify will fail.
Now how to you create the usp_user_permission_verify procedure.
If you try to manually create the procedure (which you can) (Right click on Stored procedures-->click on new Stored procedure). You can only create the blank procedure. But where do you get the code ?? or what the parameters to be supplied??
You run the debug again -- You get this in the debug.txt file.
WsDBConnectionProperties comparison: != SSL: 0 != 0
WsODBCConnectionController::Initialize() - Initializing a new datasource for dsn: wslogdb70.
Returning Number of Logger Threads: 6
WsODBCConnectionController::Initialize() - Attempting to open datasource: wslogdb70.
WsDBConnectionProperties::GetConnectionString() - using a Trusted Connection for the ODBC string
WsConnectionPool::initialize() - SUCCESS: Created 9 connections to db.
WsODBCConnectionController::Initialize() - Open datasource : wslogdb70 SUCCESS.
WsLogRecordset::Open() - FAILURE: sqlCommand: {call usp_user_permission_verify_logserver} ERROR: Procedure usp_user_permission_verify has no parameters and arguments were supplied.
WsDataSource::Validate() - Permission test failed: .
WsODBCConnectionController::Initialize() - Validate datasource : wslogdb70 FAILURE: .
Waiting for LogServer to shutdown...
LogServerDoc shutdown cleanly...
So how to fix this. Well a couple of ways.
1. If you have another log server:
Open the Stored procedure usp_user_permission_verify from the other log database and copy the query and paste in the affected database. Execute it. Then execute the usp_user_permission_verify_logserver script again.
2. You can try to restore a old backup of the log database to another sql server or with a different name. attach it get the script work. i was not sure how to do this.
then I tried this.
1. You have to detach your websense database (wslogdb70) from the SQL server.
2. Uninstall Log server,
3. Then move the Websense database to a backup folder on the same location. (you may also try installing og server without moving the files - I didn't try that)
4. Install the log server feature again.
5. Now a database is created with the new usp_user_permission_verify stored procedure.
6. Copy the query to a notepad file.
7. Follow the procedure from step 1 in reverse to get the old database.
8. Modify or create the usp_user_permission_verify SP and paste query you copied and run it.
Well I would say, You can copy the query you can find here and recreate the usp_user_permission_verify SP like :
USE [wslogdb70]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[usp_user_permission_verify] Script Date: 08/06/2012 09:46:21 ******/
create procedure [dbo].[usp_user_permission_verify] @reason nvarchar(1000) output, @debug bit = 0 as
set nocount on;
set @reason = N'OK';
declare @productStr varchar(20),
@engineEdition int,
@version_num int;
select @productStr = cast ( serverproperty(N'ProductVersion') as varchar(20) ),
@engineEdition = cast ( serverproperty(N'EngineEdition') as int ),
@version_num = dbo.udf_dbserver_get_version();
-- check version before creating jobs
if (dbo.udf_dbserver_valid_version(@version_num) = 0)
exec dbo.usp_event_log N'error', N'usp_user_permission_verify(): Specifiec SQL Server version is not supported';
set @reason = N'Specifiec SQL Server version is not supported';
print N'usp_user_permission_verify(): Specifiec SQL Server version ' + cast(@version_num as varchar) + N' is not supported.';
return -1;
-- SQL Express
if @engineEdition = 4 and IS_SRVROLEMEMBER(N'sysadmin') != 1
set @reason = N'You must have sysadmin for SQL Express platform';
return 1;
-- everything is OK here
if IS_SRVROLEMEMBER(N'sysadmin') = 1
return 0;
-- standard or enterprise
-- need db_creator
if IS_SRVROLEMEMBER(N'dbcreator') != 1
set @reason = N'You must have dbcreator server role';
return 2;
declare @sid varbinary(85),
@db_var sysname,
@sql nvarchar(4000),
@total int,
@i int;
select @sid = sid from sys.server_principals where name = system_user;
print @sid
declare @db_list table (
table_id int identity(1,1),
name sysname primary key
create table #db_permission (
id int identity(1,1) primary key,
dname sysname,
role_name sysname
insert into @db_list ( name )
select [DB_NAME] from dbo.wse_partitions where offline=0 and deleted= 0
select [name] from dbo.amt_partitions where active = 1;
set @total = @@ROWCOUNT;
-- add msdb
insert into @db_list (name) values (N'msdb');
set @total = @total + 1;
if @debug = 1 select * from @db_list;
begin try
select @i = 1;
while @i <= @total
select @db_var = name from @db_list where table_id = @i;
set @sql = N'
insert into #db_permission (dname, role_name)
select ''' + @db_var + ''', role_principal.name role_principal_name
from ' + @db_var + N'.sys.database_role_members join ' + @db_var + N'.sys.database_principals as role_principal on database_role_members.role_principal_id = role_principal.principal_id
join ' + @db_var + N'.sys.database_principals as member_principal on database_role_members.member_principal_id = member_principal.principal_id
where member_principal.sid = N''' + cast(@sid as nvarchar(100)) + N'''';
if @debug = 1 print @sql;
exec (@sql);
set @i = @i + 1;
if @debug = 1 select * from #db_permission ;
if not exists (select 1 from #db_permission where dname = N'msdb' and role_name in ( N'db_datareader' , N'db_owner') )
set @reason = N'You must have msdb.db_datareader database role';
return 3;
if not exists (select 1 from #db_permission where dname = N'msdb' and role_name in ( N'SQLAgentUserRole', N'SQLAgentOperatorRole', N'SQLAgentReaderRole') )
set @reason = N'You must have one of the msdb.SQLAgentxxxRole (User, Operator, Reader) database role ';
return 4;
-- check partition ownership
select @i = 1;
while @i < @total
select @db_var = min(name) from @db_list where name != N'msdb' and table_id >= @i;
if @debug > 0 print @db_var;
if not exists (select 1 from #db_permission where dname = @db_var and role_name = N'db_owner')
set @reason = N'You must have ' + @db_var + N'.db_owner database role';
return 5;
set @i = @i + 1;
select @db_var = min(name) from @db_list where name != N'msdb' and table_id >= @i;
end try
begin catch
set @reason = ERROR_MESSAGE();
exec dbo.usp_error_log_info N'usp_user_permission_verify() failed to verify database permission ', @db_var;
return 6;
end catch
return 0;
end -- usp_user_permission_verify
Now follow the steps in the Websense ariticle and check.
You can start the log server fine.
Hope websense releases an article similar to the usp_user_permission_verify_logserver one for this too.